

Her passion for writing began way back in middle school but was crystalized with her internship at the prestigious San Jose Mercury News’ Mosaic. Her training under Joe Rodriguez, Elliot Almond and Sharon Noguchi gave her field experience and her article on child-sex trafficking received Merida Award for fearless reporting. At school she became the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the first ever WingSpan, a longform feature magazine. Previously she acted as the Business Editor(2012) and Global Editor (2014) to the School Newspaper Winged Post. In 2014 summer she got into the Northwestern University’s prestigious Medill Journalism program and was highly appreciated by her advisors. Two of her articles were published and her article on “Seamy side of online dating,” will be published in the first WingSpan magazine.

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I came to know Sindhu when she was selected, from among a large group of candidates, to participate in a summer medical internship program at our hospital. Sindhu demonstrated a remarkable degree of poise, maturity and professionalism during her time with us. All the physicians loved working with her. Her bedside manner was excellent....  See more
MD, Kaiser Permanente, San Jose
She has my deepest respect, because her engagement for girls’ rights continued. Sindhu, who is a classical dancer in California, has raised money from her dance shows, to support Prachi, a 5-year-old daughter of Arti, from Sapera Basti, a marginalized nomadic group trapped in inter-generational prostitution in New Delhi, India....  See more
Emmy Award Winner and UN Delegate, founder of an Indian grassroots organization, Apne Aap, Women Worldwide.
Not many reporters at your stage of development would be brave enough to explore the seamy side of online dating services and their exploitation of debt-burdened, college-aged young women....  See more
- Dr.Alan Bindiger
Kaiser Permanente, San Jose
“I am fortunate to have worked with Sindhu in June at the Mosaic, the high school journalism workshop sponsored by the Mercury News. From the beginning, it was clear that she was a motivated, thoughtful and well-prepared student. She proposed writing about sex slavery on two continents, an ambitious undertaking for even a seasoned journalist....  See more
- Sharon Noguchi
Staff Writer, San Jose Mercury News, Mosaic Instructor
"When Sindhu Ravuri is in reporter mode, she's aggressive and thorough. She covers all of the bases journalism requires....   See more
- Joe Rodriguez
Director Emeritus, Mosaic Journalism Workshop Staff Writer, San Jose Mercury News
“It is my privilege to validate the gifted and brilliant Sindhu Ravuri, who served as the 2013-14 California Teen Ambassadress...he not only serves but she does it in strength, with a natural grace and ability and I am the better for knowing her....  See more
- Bill Smethers
William R Smethers (Mr S), Executive Director, Youth Focus, Inc.
She has approached difficult topics by promoting respect for those less fortunate, and even endangered. In the Museum environment, she is often surrounded by younger girls and boys that look up to her, and she excels as a positive role model....  See more
- Autumn Young
Marketing Manager Children Discovery Museum
“I can't tell you enough how impressed I was with Sindhu. One truly should be proud of how she represented her dance and the beauty of her tradition. She is truly on the path to being a primary exponent of her dance form....  See more
- Carlos Carvajal
Artistic director at San Fransisco Ethnic Dance Festival, 2007 – Present (7 years)
Sindhu is born to dance. She is a natural.  She is quick to learn, easy to handle and extremely flexible. It is because of her natural talent combined with her determination to learn and excel through vigorous practice that I decided to take her to Russia and Germany to perform....  See more
- Raja Reddy
Kuchipudi Exponant and Padmabhushan Award Recipient
Sindhu has incredible creative energy and refreshing idealism of helping the needy Indian women and we support her in cause of her new endeavor of helping young children via dance. Sindhu has shown consistent growth, dedication, perseverance, enthusiasm and passion for dance...  See more
- Ranjani Manda
Founder, Director Aerodance Academy, Fremont
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